Thursday, November 18, 2010

Exit Slip 11-18-10

We had a good class today. We watched the final presentation (Chapter 10). Found 5 more resources for our delicious account. This activity really helped us realize that there are tons of resources and tools such as delicious, google, and Bing help us find many helpful tools for our classroom.


My partner Trefor Jones and I put a lot of effort into the making of this podcast. It was the first time any of us had done something like this so it was a little difficult to get used to. The hardest part was speaking clearly and loudly and adding "fill in" music. It was really nice that we got to work together on the assignment. With two people working on the podcast it seemed to go a lot faster and we enjoyed it a little more.

I really do not think that this will have a huge influence on my future teaching. I thought that the screen cast was a lot easier to make, and did the same job just without music. Being a special needs teacher I do not believe that my students would benefit from a pod cast but their parents may. I am happy I now know how to make one, and I believe I am prepared to make another in the future.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Exit Slip 11-11-2010

Time to catch our breath! Today Dr. Boyer gave us some work time which helped a lot! In the beginning of class we heard the group discussion on chapter 10. We then discussed the presentation, in which we all basically agreed they did a very good job.

We then (after some discussion about teaching) had some work time to catch up nice!

Chapter 9 Blogs, Wikis. Podcasts

Blogs, Wikis, and Podcasts. Chapter 9

This week’s chapter talked about using social Networks. They hit on the very popular networks of Facebook, and Ning. Many people use social networks to explore interests and find information that goes beyond what they have access in school or in their local community. This chapter is going to talk about how teachers can successfully use social networking sites in their classrooms.

According to our book many schools block Facebook from their computers. What they don’t realize is that you could actually use this tool, or social networking tools like it to aid yourself and fellow teachers in education your students using a method they all seem to enjoy.

The book started of its rant about Facebook explaining that they advise to not befriend their students on Facebook. You should tell your students that your connection to Facebook to them is interest based not friendship based. On Facebook teachers can create private or public groups where classes can exchange information, write on each other’s walls, answer questions, and create a shared space of materials of the course. The next pages in the book listed some example of the few numbers of teachers that actually use Facebook in their classroom. Teachers are creating groups, and libraries have pages to give out information on new books coming out.

The book then switched to talking about a site called Ning, which is something that I have never heard about. Ning allows you to create your own free social networking site around whatever topic you want, complete with personal profiles, photos, video links, groups, discussions, blogs, and more. It seems that this could be a safer site to use instead of Facebook, and it could also be more useful. Many schools throughout the nation are already using Ning as they have found there are huge benefits. Just like the first section the book listed many examples of people using Ning in the classroom. (pg. 141)

As a future teacher I think that social networking sites are awesome! Though there is always a risk of bad things that could happen, it is my beliefs the benefits way outweigh the negatives. I really had no idea that schools were beginning to use sites such as Facebook and Ning in the classroom, but after they explained why I think that they can be awesome tools. Though the chapter mainly talked about how social networking cites can be helpful to the students I believe that they could also be helpful to the parents of the students. Now longer will teachers need to take private time painstakingly writing notes home. Now they can just log on send the parent’s private messages, and save a bunch of time and materials.

I plan on using social networks in my classroom as much as I can. I believe they are awesome tools that not only help the students but the parents too. (Also, it will make my job a lot easier and more effective)

Chapter 8 Rethinking Education

Rethinking Education Chapter 8

The title of this week’s chapter talked about how schools are coping with the new technologies. The authors talked about how in an effort to provide equality of outcomes federal and state policies have emphasized accountability by promoting standardized educational outcomes and pressuring schools to adopt uniform practices in the classroom. This long and confusing sentence basically says that the school officials are becoming worried about the accountability that relies on the schools to teach the children. Their plan to help with this is to instill more uniform practices into the classroom. This practice which was implemented over the past years has had mixed results. What this chapter is going to talk about is how they believe technology can help with this problem.

Assessment was the first topic discussed. The authors believed instead of relying on the instructors to decide when and how to give a test, the students could find the credentials of what they need to do to graduate on a computer. They then can form a schedule and a plan that fits their lives and still allows them to graduate. Students could in the end have a portfolio of credentials for purposes of employment or college applications.

The next section of the chapter talked about new curriculum designs that technology can help with. With technology students can now focus their learning around their goals and interests. In the future the students could decide what their interests are and base their life goals around the technological certifications that meet the goal of their interest.

The final section of this chapter talked about how technology can help equality in the classroom. If we can figure out a way to bring technology to poorer regions that cannot afford it, it will put everyone on an even playing field. They will have the tools and resources that everyone else has, and with this they will have the same opportunity to succeed.

I really don’t think I agree with everything that this chapter talked about. It is cool that you could make a curriculum using technology and have students use this technology to plan their lives. However, I really believe that the current system of education that we have today is working just fine. It is true that technology can enhance the abilities that a classroom has, there is no doubt of that. I am afraid that we may start becoming too dependent. Yea, it would have been cool to only take classes that interested me and my interests. It was the classes that I did not want to take however, that I believe I learned the most in.

In the future I will probably object to the idea of technology based curriculums. I do not believe that they are a good idea, and I do believe it will cause huge problems in the education world. Technology is not bad; it is how we use it that scares me.

Exit slip 11-4

Wow I forgot to post an exit slip! Today we talked a lot about fixing our IRLO. Dr. Boyer talked about what makes a good IRLO and what his expectations will be when he sits down to grade them. We ended by talking about our annotated bibliography, and he showed us a yes test to see if we are staying on task.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The tool that I worked with for my Cool Tool Screen Casts was Google Custom Search. Google custom search enables you to create your own search engine that searches exclusively your website, blog, or a collection of websites. If you can figure out how to successfully navigate through this website you will find out that it is actually pretty cool, and can be a very useful tool in the classroom.

There are many strengths that this tool has. The coolest thing that it allows you to do is filter the material that you want to look through. Using this method it helps to solve the problem of search overload that Google is often associated with. Another strength that this tool has is it allows you to make your own search engine. You can design colors, filters, auto corrections, and anything that Google allows you to do, except now you’re in control of what the search engine looks and feels like.

Some weaknesses of this website are the fact that it can be really hard to get used to. It has a nice tutorial program, but after this basic introduction you’re on your own to read read read. I had a very tough time trying to get used to the tool. The auto corrections tab was confusing, and sometimes it seems to only show results from one of your websites that you chose, even though I know there is information on some of the others. However, once you work through the bugs I can see how this tool could be very beneficial.

I can see a lot of opportunities associated with this website. With this tool you can offer a search engine to your class and be positive that they are getting their information from a safe source because you picked them. Also through the collaboration link you could make a class search engine filled with websites that everyone in the class contributed.

The only threats that I can see when using this website is when you allow your students to add sights. If they add bad sights it could risk the health of the computer, and they may be given the wrong information. Also, if you have a few good websites on your search engine and the students have access to it they may become reliant only on your search engine websites. There are many good websites to find information on, and I’m sure you won’t list them all. The students may need practice finding good websites on their own, and not rely on yours.

I believe that I put a lot of effort into this assignment. First of all I had to get used to Google custom search, and for me that was not easy. I almost gave up and switched tools because I tried and tried but had a very rough time working through some of the bugs. Then I had to borrow a microphone from a friend, and figure out how to use Jing. Over all I have many hours into this assignment and I am proud of it.

This has a huge impact on my future teaching and life. I can really see myself using this tool in the classroom to show parents at home how to work certain tools, or gain access to important information. I also can see myself using this tool to show colleagues and friends how to work tools on the internet. Many of my friends are computer inept and if I can show them via a screen cast how to work something that would be awesome!